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Aikido Masters Self Defense Academy
2010 Eberhart Rd
Whitehall, PA 18052


     David Nemeroff started his martial arts training at the age

of twelve in the art of Aikido. Now, with black belts in 10

different martial arts, he is able to share an incredible wealth

of knowledge with you.  This means you will get a more

comprehensive understanding of the martial arts. Since

Nemeroff, Soke-Dai is an Asian certified instructor, you

know you are learning authentic martial arts from a qualified

teacher.  Plus, he is an active practitioner, not an arm-chair

sensei. He trains constantly to improve his knowledge and

skill, earning black belts in several martial arts including

Mukei No-Ryu Aikido/Aiki-Jodo, Fukasa-ryu Aikido, Kobudo

 Aikijutsu, Jujutsu, Kempo, Iaijutsu and Kenjutsu (Samurai Sword Arts).

     He is certified in both Japan and the U.S and has earned credentials from Kokusai Budoin, Aikido Tenshinkai of Florida, Zen Kokusei Soke Budo/Bugei Renmei, Fukasa-ryu Bujutsukai and the International Okinawan Martial Arts Union. Additionally, he was appointed to the Asian accredited title of Soke-dai (successor) to Fukasa-ryu Aikido, which was awarded by Fukasa-ryu Bujutsukai and the Zen Kokusei Soke Budo/Bugei Renmei.David Nemeroff, Soke-Dai has supplemented his training with such arts as Medical Yin-Yang Qigong, Tai chi, Judo, Bo-jutsu, Naginata-jutsu, and Yari-jutsu.

      He was certified as a lethal weapons training instructor by the PA State Police under act 235 in 1999 and is also certified as a defensive tactics instructor by the United States Specialized Law Enforcement Training Commission. His education includes a BS from Hofstra Univ. and he is a national board certified massage therapist (NCBTMB) specializing in craniosacral therapy, CST-T.

     He has given seminars to several groups including other dojos, Army Reserve units, children’s  groups, and corporations like Mack Truck and Air Products.  He has been featured on TV2 Sports Scene and Inside Martial Arts TV.  He also taught Aikido at Penn State University. Our chief instructor has the distinction of being a five time published author.  David Nemeroff, Soke-Dai published his first book “Enter into Aikido” in 2009 to share his passion for the martial arts with parents, perspective students and martial arts beginners, as well as answering some common misconceptions that people have about the many of the arts. His second book, “I Can Learn Karate,” was released in April, 2013. His last two books "Modern Masters Of The Martial Arts" and "Aikido's Hidden Ground Techniques" were released in 2017. Currently, Nemeroff is featured as a character in several of the Warrior Island comic book issues. David Nemeroff runs Lehigh Valley Samurai Academy in Whitehall, PA

About Instructor

David Nemeroff, 9th Dan

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