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Call Now 484-245-0567
Lehigh Valley
Samurai Summit
Martial Arts Training Event
JOrdan Park
1001. N. 6th St Ext
August 6th, 2023
Register Here
You must call 484-245-0567 to register and attend
The cost for the event is only $250. Parents of young children are free if they are only watching. We ask that parents of minors stay at the event. Call Instructor David Nemeroff to register and make payment with a credit card over the phone. Below is a list of what you should bring.
Equipment You Should Bring:
White Oak Bokken- wooden sword
Uniform with belt
Event Schedule
9:45am. - Check In
10:00am-12:30pm - Aikijutsu
12:30pm-1:30pm - Lunch
1:30pm-4:30pm - Aikido Ground Grappling
(note: Schedule is subject to change)
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